# Search Explained

The Search tool is located at the top-middle of the DX2 Purchase page. It can be used to search for a product or a requisition by selecting the required option from the dropdown button.

# Search for Items

Items can be searched on the following information:

  • Item Name
  • Supplier Name
  • Supplier Item Code
  • Supplier Item Description


  • Make sure Items is selected from the dropdown box in the Search field
  • Type a partial or full item description in the search field.
  • As you type, search results are populated on the page. Items are included in the result if the item description contains the search criteria.
  • The results can be further filtered by Supplier(s). A Filter by supplier dropdown is available above the search results. This can be expanded by clicking on the down arrow. This will list all the suppliers whose products are included in the search result. A single or multiple suppliers can be selected from here by ticking the box in front of the supplier(s).
  • Items can be added to an existing List or to a new list by clicking on the hamburger button on the item card.
Item Search


Items can be added to a new or existing open requisition from the Search results. Click on the ADD TO CART button.

# Search for Requisitions

Requisitions can be searched on the following information pertaining to a requisition:

  • Requisition Number
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Item Name
  • Supplier Name
  • Supplier Code


  • Make sure Requisitions is selected from the dropdown box in the Search field
  • Search criteria entered here can either be a partial/full item description or the partial/full requisition number.
Search for Requisition
  • As you type, search results are populated on the page.

  • If the search was based on product description, the search result will include all requisitions containing products which match the search.

  • If the search was based on requisition number, all requisitions containing the search criteria will be listed.

  • The Requisition summary card shows:

    • Status - A high level status is displayed for the requisition, such as Requisition has been submitted and awaiting approval. The approver's name is also displayed where the requisition has a status of either Pending Approval or Rejected. See Status Explained for information on statuses.

    • Purchase Order Number(s) along with the Supplier for the Requisition where a Purchase Order(s) has been generated.

    • Maximum of two products are displayed from the requisition in the search result. If the requisition contains more than two products a link appears above the MORE DETAILS link to indicate how many additional products are included in that requisition. Clicking on this link will open another page which will show the requisition with all the Items and the respective Status.

    • Click on the MORE DETAILS link for a requisition to get more information about the Requisition.

More Details button on Requisition


Items can be added to a new or existing open requisition from the Search results. Click on the REORDER link.

Last Updated: 17/01/2020, 12:21:23 am